Calamine Powder has a high concentration of zinc oxide. It is an active material that is able to reflect the UV rays. It is often used in suncare products and soothing products.
Calamine was traditionally used in medicinal ointments for its antiseptic qualities. It’s a very gentle ingredient on the skin and is one of the main constituents of traditional calamine lotion, which is used extensively to relieve redness, stinging and irritation of the skin.
Calamine powder treats the skin with a gentle toning and antiseptic action. Historically, it’s been mixed with rose water to create a soothing face mask. Today, Calamine Powder is also added into clay mask for soothing effect. On top of that, Calamine powder is also an effective cleanser. It is an absorbent that is able to absorb excess oils on our face.
Calamine powder has its wide application in body care products be it in pharmaceuticals or cosmetics application. It can be incorporated basically in any rinsed off and leave on products. It is harmless to our skin.
Clay mask ingredients: Bentonite Clay, Kaolin, Calamine powder, green clay, corn starch (texturiser)
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